Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Previously Published on Aphelion . . .

I Dream of Rings

of gold, blazing
atmospheric anomalies calling
me.  Saturn’s embrace,
waiting to welcome me to their fold.
There I dance, uninhibited
by the laws of physics, and therefore,
the physical necessities of life support.
I am my own
momentarily alien self, skimming
solar systems with a flip
of my hair . . . Flash forward
fifty light years.  I am queen
of a recently discovered star,
a purple-skinned princess
touched by a sun
on both shoulders, breathing
fire to keep the scales
of my settlement’s sentient beings warm.


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Previously Published in Epigraph . . .

To Spin Or Not To Spin Static transporter taunts me infinitely across a room of mirrors, reminders of necessity.  Cold motivators of perpetu...